

  • 統一編號: 89401555
  • 聯絡人: 賴小姐
  • 聯絡電話: 02-27217166
  • 傳真號碼: 02-27216608
  • 電子郵件: maxine_lai@griretail.com
  • 公司網址: http://www.griretail.com/
  • 公司地址: 106  台北市忠孝東路四段142號6樓605室  顯示地圖
  • 瀏覽次數: 497
  • 公司簡介
GRI is a leading international apparel and accessories brand-management and retail-distribution network, with a core focus on Asia, especially China. Headquartered in Hong Kong, GRI has an extensive multinational network that maintains the company’s strategy of growth through international activities. European offices are located in Paris and Madrid, whilst Asia’s management offices are in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taipei, Tokyo, Bangkok and Singapore. In addition, maintaining a truly global presence, GRI has design studios in New York and Paris.

GRI’s ultimate objective is to provide the best retail environment for our customers. Each country has its own buying team with a deep understanding of its customers’ demographics in order to present the right range of products. For in-house brands, an independent sourcing operation means that products are manufactured to exact specifications and ensures that the highest standard of quality is adhered to. From sourcing and merchandising to store design and customer service, GRI strives to preserve each brand’s unique image and market niche. Further marketing and PR support aims to achieve the highest level of visibility for our partner brands in Asia, accomplished by working closely with our partners and sharing their values.

In addition to managing retail stores, GRI also explores franchise opportunities with local distributors and offers wholesale possibilities in countries like Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, East Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Targeting expansive markets such as China via local distributors in remote regions is possible through GRI’s expansive reach of contacts and commitment.

In terms of distribution, strong logistic support is realised through a sophisticated and efficient distribution system that serves each outlet, the central warehouse being based in Hong Kong and a centralised warehouse in Shanghai for distribution to China. This, together with a comprehensive I.T. retail system that merges real time data in multi-country and

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